Our Collection
Plant Categories
Ornamental Plants
Ornamental plants are defined as those planted for their flowers or showy nature. They can be grown for interesting bark, flowers, fruits or other attributes. They have versatility in having both beauty and utility. They provide fresh air and sometimes can also act as mosquito repellent.
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What We Do?
AWARDS & recognition
CLIENT testimonials
Former President Indian Rose Federation, Philanthropist, Great Lover of Nature Says
Late Nizam Shah Alam Khan
Chairman, Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India)
Late Dr. Manmohan Attavar
Chairman, Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India)
My association with Mr. Kasturi Rangan & Green Route Farms (KSG) has been over five decades. He is one of the few eminent rose and rare ornamental plant breeders in India who has contributed enormously by breeding about 125 promising cultivars of roses and ornamental plants best suited to Indian conditions, ever since 1955.
Late Dr. Manmohan Attavar
Former President Indian Rose Federation, Philanthropist, Great Lover of Nature Says
The phenomenal reputation that Green Route Farms (KSG) has acquired over the last few decades, through its commitment to uncompromising quality. No wonder then that he is known not as a rose-grower from India, but ‘the’ rose-grower from India. This is indeed the culmination of a lifetime of diligent and devoted application to his chosen realm-the world of roses!
Late Nizam Shah Alam Khan
Ram’s Roses Pune, Ex. President Indian Rose Federation
Ramrao Jagtap
Great lover and breeder of Roses, Dahlias and Chrysanthemums, Kolkata
Mr. Sekhar Dutta
Rose Breeders of great international repute and our great well-wishers - Kodaikanal
Indian rose and rare ornamental plant lovers are indeed very fortunate that the leaders of Green Route Farms (KSG): Mr. Kasturi Rangan and his son Sriram search the rose world for the newest roses, while yet keeping the classics available. Their catalogue is an invaluable resource for rose names and pictures. What is life without a new rose? Indian rose breeders are equally fortunate… KSG son is always willing to test out their roses.
Mr. & Mrs. Viraraghavan